Visit to La Cathédrale de Lausanne and shore of Lake Geneva

Lausanne is the fourth-largest city of Switzerland, and is located on a hillside facing Lake Geneva. It is labeled as the “Olympic Capital” as it hosts the International Olympic Committee.

It is about 62 kilometers away from Geneva, and it takes around 50 minutes get there by train. Agricultural land surrounds most of the route.

The streets in Lausanne are very steep, with an elevation gain of about 80 meters per kilometer.


Marché de Plainpalais, Geneva

Geneva’s largest Sunday market, also known as Marché de Plainpalais, is located in Plaine de Plainpalais, a public square in Geneva, just about 500 meters from river Arve.

All shops are located on the public square, just beside a skatepark, which sell items including clothes, electric appliances, and crockeries.


Hike to Chalet de Narderan

Crêt de la Neige is the highest mountain peak in the French territory around Geneva. It is located in the commune of Lélex, and provides a good vantage point for viewing the Mont Blanc, the Alps, and the Geneva river.

The uphill hike begins from the commune of Thoiry, through its dense forest.

Farmers bring their cattle in this area for grazing. It is advised to keep distance from the animals, as the dogs kept for the protection of cattle can be hostile.

After a ~50 minutes hike, the first stopping point is called Objectif Gaïa. On the way to the peak there are several resting points from which the scenic views can be observed. One of them is Chalet de Narderan.

Sunrise in Choully, Satigny

Satigny is a municipality of the Canton of Geneva. Located just across the French commune, Saint-Genis-Pouilly, this municipality inhabits around 4,000 people. More than half of its area is used for agricultural purposes, and it is the largest wine-producing municipality in Switzerland.

The municipality consists of several small villages. Among these, the village of Choully provides an excellent view of Geneva and the surrounding mountains. Since Geneva Airport is located at the heart of the city, planes can be seen landing and taking off almost every 5 minutes.

Watching the Sun emerge from the mountains is a delightful experience.

Besides grapes, numerous vegetables and plants are cultivated here, such as tomatoes, cabbages, and pumpkins.

French villages can be seen on the side opposite to Geneva.

Foyer Résidence Schumann

The Foyer Résidence Schumann is located in Saint-Genis-Pouilly, a commune in France with ~9000 population. It is located just 3 KMs away from Switzerland’s second most populous city, Geneva. Due to its close proximity to Geneva, many working class people choose to live here and commute to Switzerland everyday.

Officially referred to as the “CERN Hostel”, Schumann residence is a good temporary solution whilst looking for an apartment.

All rooms are equipped with a single bed, a refrigerator, a study table, a cupboard, and a bathroom.

During my time here, I have collected a huge amount of coins. For now, they just sit there…

Each floor has 10 rooms, attached with a kitchen and a laundry room. The stoves use induction for heating, which can reduce the cooking time by a significant margin.

There’s also a TV lounge, a bicycle shed, and several benches for sitting outside.