Foyer Résidence Schumann

The Foyer Résidence Schumann is located in Saint-Genis-Pouilly, a commune in France with ~9000 population. It is located just 3 KMs away from Switzerland’s second most populous city, Geneva. Due to its close proximity to Geneva, many working class people choose to live here and commute to Switzerland everyday.

Officially referred to as the “CERN Hostel”, Schumann residence is a good temporary solution whilst looking for an apartment.

All rooms are equipped with a single bed, a refrigerator, a study table, a cupboard, and a bathroom.

During my time here, I have collected a huge amount of coins. For now, they just sit there…

Each floor has 10 rooms, attached with a kitchen and a laundry room. The stoves use induction for heating, which can reduce the cooking time by a significant margin.

There’s also a TV lounge, a bicycle shed, and several benches for sitting outside.