
Parameterized testing using Pytest

Pytest provides a feature for parameterized testing in Python. The built-in pytest.mark.parametrize decorator enables parametrization of arguments for a test function. This allows the user to compare the values for input and output.

Here is a typical example which shows its usage:

get_hips_order_for_resolution_pars = [
    dict(tile_width=512, resolution=0.01232, resolution_res=0.06395791924665553, order=4),
    dict(tile_width=256, resolution=0.0016022, resolution_res=0.003997369952915971, order=8),
    dict(tile_width=128, resolution=0.00009032, resolution_res=0.00012491781102862408, order=13),

@pytest.mark.parametrize('pars', get_hips_order_for_resolution_pars)
def test_get_hips_order_for_resolution(pars):
    hips_order = _get_hips_order_for_resolution(pars['tile_width'], pars['resolution'])
    assert hips_order == pars['order']
    hips_resolution = hp.nside2resol(hp.order2nside(hips_order))
    assert_allclose(hips_resolution, pars['resolution_res'])

Without the support of parameterized testing, the code had to be duplicated three times in this particular case. Additionally, parameterized testing allows users to see the expected values elegantly without running the tests.