
My course portfolio for Computational Photography

This semester I took Georgia Tech's Computational Photography course. It was a very hands-on course, mostly comprising of assignments and projects. This post includes the results for all its assignments and projects.

1. Pyramid blending

The goal of this assignment was to combine two separate images into a seamlessly blended image, using a mask. The input took a left image, a right image, and a mask, which was a binary image used to overlap the two inputs.

Pyramid blending

2. Panoramas

For this assignment we wrote code to align & stitch together a series of images into a panorama. We followed the text from Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications book. The assignment followed homography techniques to create the output picture.

panorama_1 panorama_2 panorama_3

After stitching these …

Building a Camera Obscura

A camera obscura is the predecessor of modern day cameras. It works by letting light in through a small pinhole and projects it onto a surface (e.g. a wall).

To build a room obscura we need to choose a room which gets plenty of sunlight. I chose my bedroom for this.


Next we need to identify all the sources of light and completely seal them. In my case I used garbage bags to cover my two windows.

setup_2 setup_3

I used packing tape instead of duct tape as it can tear off paint from the wood. However, this led to some light bleeding in from the edges. I fixed this using aluminum foil.


I experimented with three pinholes of various sizes …